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Armenian Developing Group, IAAP

Armenian Developing Group, IAAP

The Armenian Association for Analytical Psychology (AAAP, Yerevan, Armenia) has been accepted as a Developing Group within the International...

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The AAAP Constitution

                                            I. Name, Domicile, Language

Art. 1 Name

1The Armenian Association for Analytical Psychology (AAAP) is a non-governmental organisation in accordance with the RA Civil code.

 Art. 2 Domicile, Language

1The AAAP is domiciled in Yerevan, Armenia.

2The official language of the AAAP is Armenia

                                            II. Aims of the Association

 Art. 3 Aims and goals of the Association

 1The AAAP sets up the following goals:

     a)   To develop and promote the school of Analytical Psychology in Armenia,

b)   To coordinate the activities of the IAAP Armenian Developing group,

c)   To promote and facilitate the IAAP Router Training in Armenia,

d)   To organize conferences, trainings, seminars and workshops,

e)   To publish articles, books, manuals, journals,

f)    To facilitate the translation into Armenian of major works by C. G. Jung and other Jungian psychologists,

g) To facilitate the interdisciplinary research among different fields whence theory and principles of analytical psychology are used,

h)  To make donations to non-profit organizations which work within the scope of Analytical Psychology

i) To maintain a high standard of ethical conduct in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Procedures which have been approved by the AAAP.


                                             III. Membership-Status

 Art. 4 Categories of Membership

 1In the AAAP there are three categories of membership.

a) A category members – analysts and psychotherapists with relevant professional qualification or those who are currently in the training,

b) B category members – analytical psychologists, who are engaged in research and academic career,

c) C category members – other academics with a strong interest in Analytical psychology who are engaged in research and academic career.


Art. 5 Admission to Membership

 1The application for the AAAP membership must be submitted in the written form to the Executive Committee of the AAAP with the necessary documents.

 2The Executive Committee examines the application for the admission, carries out an interview and makes a decision. The Executive Committee informs the applicant about the decision within 7 calendar days.

 3To change the membership category the member applies in writing to the Executive Committee, submits the relevant documents. The executive Committee examines the application and makes a decision.


Art. 6 Termination of Membership

 1Membership will expire:

a) upon the resignation: the member informs the Executive Committee about his/her decision. The Executive Committee examines the application, carries out an exit interview and makes a decision.

b) upon the expulsion; any member who damages the interests and endeavours of the AAAP may be expelled by the Executive Committee.

 2No membership fees will be reimbursed to members who resign or are expelled.


Art. 7 Privileges and Obligations of Membership

1All the members are required to comply with the AAAP Constitution, internal regulations and the Code of Ethics.

2All the members can participate in the lectures, seminars, conferences and workshops, projects organized by the AAAP.

3Only the A category members can participate in the sessions which deal with case material and supervision.

4All the members have voting rights during the General Meeting.

5In cases when analytic, psychotherapeutic and ethical issues are concerned, only the A category members have voting rights.

Art. 8 Membership Dues, Liability

1All the members pay annual membership dues.

2Any liability on the part of the AAAP will not exceed its assets. Any personal liability on the part of members for debts and obligations incurred by the AAAP is excluded.


              IV.   Organisation of the Armenian Association 

for Analytical Psychology

 Art. 9 General Meeting

1The General Meeting is the highest organ of the AAAP. It meets once per year. All the members will constitute the delegates at the General Meeting.

2The functions and responsibilities of the General Meeting are:

a) To adopt and amend the AAAP Constitution and  Code of Ethics,

b) To elect the President/Chair, members of the Executive and Ethics Committees,

c) To approve the activity report of the Executive and other Committees,

d) To approve the budget and annual financial statements,

e) To decide on any special projects and/or financial support for them,

f) To adopt resolutions about any items requested by the Executive Committee or members to be placed on the agenda,

3Invitations, including an agenda, to a General Meeting are sent by the Executive Committee no later than 2 weeks prior the meeting. Any items that members wish to have included in the agenda must be communicated to the Executive Committee in writing no later than 7 calendar days prior to the General Meeting. The General Meeting may only adopt resolutions on items included in the agenda.

4In urgent cases, the Executive Committee may assemble an Extraordinary General Meeting and the invitation must be sent in 3-7 days prior to the meeting. The agenda on the Extraordinary General Meeting includes only the items which caused to convene such a meeting and it may adopt resolutions based only on those items.

5Resolutions of the General Meeting will be adopted by a simple majority of members present. In the event of a tie, the President will have the casting vote.

Art. 10 Executive Committee

1The Executive Committee is the executive body of the AAAP and conducts the ongoing business unless the General Meeting or another body designated under the Constitution is responsible for it. The Executive Committee meets twice per year. The Executive Committee will have the power to issue regulations and constitute working groups. It may engage external parties to carry out certain tasks.

2The Executive Committee of the AAAP consists of the President and at least 6 other members. The members of the Executive Committee are elected by the General Meeting for a term of 3 years and may be re-elected. The Executive Committee determines the amount of the membership fees and the collection procedure.

3It constitutes a quorum if more than half of its members are present. Unless a member of the Executive Committee requests that an item be discussed in a meeting, resolutions may be passed by the way of electronic media or correspondence.


 Art. 11 Ethics Committee

1The Ethics Committee of the AAAP has a sole responsibility for receiving complaints about the breaches of the AAAP Code of Ethics. In addition, it provides advice to members who contact it about specific professional problems with clients.

2The members of the Ethics Committee are elected by the General Meeting for a term of 3 years. The members of the Ethics Committee elect the President of the Executive Committee.

3Only the A group members are eligible to be elected in the Ethics Committee.

4The Ethics Committee will consist of 5 members and one of them must be a child and adolescent therapist. 

5The Ethics Committee requires simple majority vote of its members to adopt resolutions. 

                                    V. Changes to the Constitution

 Art. 12 Changes to the Constitution

1Changes to the Constitution are decided by the General Meeting with the majority vote of 2/3 of the members present.

2In case of urgency it may be followed by an extraordinary General Meeting where it may be decided with a simple majority.

                                     VI. Dissolution and Liquidation

Art. 13 Dissolution and Liquidation

1The organisation can be dissolved by the decision of the AAAP General Meeting or by a court decision.

2The General Meeting forms Dissolution/Liquidation Committee and defines the procedure and terms of the dissolution/liquidation according to law. At the end of the dissolution/liquidation of the organisation the Dissolution/Liquidation Committee - after the mandatory payments – in accordance with the procedure established by the decision of the General Meeting uses the remaining assets for the implementation of the organisation’s statutory goals and tasks, if this is not possible, the Dissolution/Liquidation Committee transfers the assets to the State Budget.

3The organisation may be reorganized by the decision of the General Meeting or in cases by a court decision according to law.


The AAAP Constitution has been amended and adopted in February, 2021, Yerevan, Armenia