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Armenian Developing Group, IAAP

Armenian Developing Group, IAAP

The Armenian Association for Analytical Psychology (AAAP, Yerevan, Armenia) has been accepted as a Developing Group within the International...

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Armenian Developing Group, IAAP

The Armenian Association for Analytical Psychology (AAAP, Yerevan, Armenia) has been accepted as a Developing Group within the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP, Zurich, Switzerland) late January, 2021 and has been officially registered in Armenia since March, 2021. The Liaison Person of the Armenian Developing Group is Andreas Michel (CGJIZ, Zurich, Switzerland). The IAAP News Bulletin No 6 March 2021 tells about the engagement of the Armenian Developing Group into the international network of Jungian Analysts.
The AAAP as the Armenian Developing Group will coordinate and facilitate the IAAP Router Training in Armenia, organize lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences, as well as the Armenian DG will maintain the translation of the works by C.G. Jung and other Jungian analysts into Armenian.